What's New at Thistle Hill Weavers

Join us for our annual Holiday Open House!


Visit our showroom of historic fabrics
See what we’ve woven for the movies
Tour our weaving mill with equipment from the early 1900’s
Get a glimpse into the weavers’ trade past and present

Holiday gifts for sale: shawls, scarves, blankets, placemats, runners and carpets, all at our special holiday sale!

Saturday December 6, 10am-4:30pm
Sunday, December 7, 12-4:30pm

We will be open all week long, 10am to 4:30pm and again on

Saturday, December 13, 10am-4:30pm
2 pm Lecture by Rabbit Goody: The Ghosts of Carpets Past

Thistle Hill Weavers on Castle

This image doesnt do Greg LaVoi and his work justice but wow great to see on TV

This image doesn’t do Greg LaVoi and his work justice but wow great to see on TV!

This is exciting! The fabric that we wove for Greg LaVoi for his fall collection was used in a Season 6 episode of Castle. I happen to watch the episode on Netflix and was pretty sure I saw it on a woman – Dr. Greg confirmed it. Its a fantastic suit and very recognizable!

Working on a few interesting projects…

Here's a soldier on a figured Venetian carpet. Hard to find good references!

Here’s a soldier on a figured Venetian carpet. Hard to find good references!

Working on a few interesting projects. Maybe a new film on King Arthur and getting ready for our Open House which starts in less than one month! If you have been watching the HBO series “Turn” about Washington’s spies in the revolution you’ll see some of Thistle Hill’s fabrics. We may also be doing a remake of the Lincoln shawl, now there’s a story!

Double Cloth and Double Width Weaving Class


Weave a shawl in your choice of fiber using double cloth, double width, and layered cloth techniques. Some weaving experience helpful. Two day workshop with Rabbit Goody at her studio. All materials included fee is $195 for both days.

Saturday, November 15 – Sunday, November 16, 2014
9:30am – 4pm.

Please contact us for details.

A Damask Venetian Carpet for Hyde Hall

Damask Venetian carpet for Hyde Hall

Working on a Damask Venetian carpet for Hyde Hall. Trial carpet is striped but in very different colors than it will, be but we had to trial the pattern. Images to follow. This is a very unusual carpet construction that is mentioned in George Clarke’s receipts and mentioned in a few obscure places. Not being reproduced by anyone else that we know of but very interesting construction. Here is an image of a surviving piece. I have a fragment to work from but that’s all. Article coming out in Early Homes mag on unusual carpets of the 19th centurywritten by Jill Maney and me.

Warping a very complicated but beautiful Venetian Carpet

Venetian carpet

20 creel changes across. Lots of weavers knots to start each section. This is an adaptation of a surviving carpet done in worsted wool carpet yarn spun for us by Jagger Bros in Springvale, Maine and dyed by ChromoTek in Georgia.

Venetian carpet

An Oneida Indian Blanket for “Turn: Washington’s Spies”


Working with the best! Donna Zakowska, costume designer for “Turn” (also known as “Washington’s Spies”) HBO filming in Richmond VA. Second season.

This is an Oneida Indian Blanket in mixed red wools and a black and white band at each end. We made extra this time! The design is from the portrait. Pretty cool to be able to do good reproductions without compromise!. Thanks Donna for your support!

Free 1920’s skein to bottle bobbin winder to a good home


I am giving away this 1920’s skein to bottle bobbin winder. Lots of bottle bobbins, lots of swifts for both cotton and silk. It is skidded up ready to go. Travels on a flat utility trailer. in perfect working condition. All parts and motor and belts. Please find it a good home!



Cireed fabric and matching trim for Granger Homestead


Cireed fabric (glazed) worsted in plain weave and matching cording and tassels for some chairs at Granger Homestead.


The Wing chair at Granger Homestead


The wing chair at Granger Homestead finishes the room nicely but still a few other touches to come. Gwen Spicer did the upholstery. The fabric is our worsted and mohair baize embossed and the trim is a handwoven diamond trim copied from a fragment.

