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    What's New at Thistle Hill Weavers

    Thistle Hill Weavers Holiday Open House

    Come visit our working studio on Saturday, December 11 and Sunday, December 12, 10am – 4pm – we would love to have you stop by.

    You can see the mill working, eat some snacks and buy some of our fabrics, scarves, shawls and hand towels!

    We want to show you our old machines and our workshop.

    This year we are very busy trying to complete orders for our clients and production must continue. We will not set up a formal showroom, but please come and see what we are working on, meet our new staff members and enjoy the holiday season.

    Contact us for information and directions

    What We’ve Been Doing and the Upcoming Holiday Season


    We hope that this email finds you as safe and as healthy as you can be.

    Thistle Hill Weavers is continuing to create fabrics but to keep our staff as safe as possible we have been working split shifts and with a smaller staff.

    There are some new faces that I hope in the future you will meet, and we have said goodbye to some of our good friends who have worked with us over the past years.

    Some really interesting projects have been ongoing these past few months

    We are still working on The Gilded Age which is an HBO production. Jodi Zanetti, of Z Stitches, is now well trained on our embroidery equipment.

    The trailer for Jingle Jangle has been released; it looks like fun! We wove four fabrics that are seen in the trailer.

    We finished the large project for the Church of Latter Day Saints at Nauvoo, Illinois, and now we are working on another project in Salt Lake City.

    The Emily Dickinson House in North Hampton Massachusetts will be new project over the next year and there are several projects for Hyde Hall.

    We continue to work with designers for sustainable fabric development.

    Our farm clients who produce fiber are very active as well. Harmony Fields in Oregon has beautiful throws and table runners made from their wool. Amy Crate of True Vine Farm is developing alpaca products, and Franny Kansteiner of Gun Tree farm is working on some incredible tweeds for the upcoming season incorporating her wonderful merino wool spun at Green Mountain Spinnery with silk and bamboo.

    But what should we do about the Holiday Open House?

    We are in the same quandary as everyone else. We want you to enjoy our mill and pick out nice interesting gifts but we also want everyone to stay safe and healthy.

    We would invite local folks to make an appointment to come visit during the weeks before Christmas starting December 5th. We will be available on weekdays and weekends by appointment. We will limit the number of people at a time and during the entire day. We will ask you to wear a mask and we will take your temperature before you enter the building. We will not give mill tours at this time.

    If you live at a distance rather than travel, check out the on-line store which we will get up and running especially for the season. Please call to chat with us about things you see on-line. We understand it is hard to buy textiles on line, but this year is different and we want our staff to stay safe and healthy and our clients to be happy.

    If you have suggestions or you know ahead of time that you may want something special, now is the time to get us going. We hope to hear from you and we look forward to being a part of your gift giving.

    We offer you our sincere appreciation for your support and we know that everyone is coping as best they can.

    Hail to the Skillful Cunning Hand, Hail to the Cultured Mind,
    Contending for the World’s Command, Here Let Them Be Combined

    Textile History Forum YouTube Channel

    We’ve started a YouTube channel for our collection of historic fabrics. You can subscribe from the YouTube page.

    February 15th and 16th at Thistle Hill Weavers – A Two-Day Workshop on Double Cloth, Double Width and Layers on Layers

    Sorry for the late notice but there are still a few places in my weekend workshop

    This weekend workshop will explore how fabrics can be made in layers for structure, design or expanded width. This is NOT a project workshop.

    A basic knowledge of weaving is important, but you do not have to own a multiple harness loom. The participants will have the opportunity to try many different systems and understand the technical aspects of creating layers of cloth in different structures.

    The class will be working on different types of looms already set up to demonstrate several different layered systems. Students will be able to take samples home but the main part of the class will be theoretical, exploring weave structure, density and layering concepts.

    This is a two-day workshop:

    • Class begins at 9:00 on Saturday, February 15th and ends at 4:30pm
    • Sunday February 16th class begins at 9:00 and ends at 3:30.
    • Fee for the class is $150.00 and includes lunch both days.

    Call For Papers for the 2020 Textile History Forum

    The 2020 Textile History Forum, scheduled for July 31 – August 2 at Hyde Hall, Springfield NY, & Thistle Hill Weavers, Cherry Valley NY, seeks papers and presentations on all aspects of textile history, from the Pre-Columbian period through the twenty-first century, including textile technology, costume, quilts, weaving, dyeing, spinning, technological innovations and textile availability.

    For this year’s Forum, we are looking to include additional aspects of material culture i.e. how textiles fit into their cultural and social places, how textiles are valued, ceremonial use of textiles and the individuals who made and used them.

    An important aspect of this year’s Forum will be a discussion of where and how private textile collections should be housed over the next several decades.

    The Textile History Forum encourages the submission of scholarly work from historians, anthropologists and economists as well as independent researchers, individuals working in the field, crafts people and collectors. Current and unpublished research is especially encouraged.

    Those interested in presenting a paper at the Forum should submit a one-page proposal. Authors retain copyright on all printed publications and are free to publish their work in other venues.

    The Textile History Forum brings together textile historians, students, researchers, museum curators, independent scholars, artisans, dealers and collectors from around the country for three days of intense exchange. Participants will have the opportunity to take a behind the scenes tour of the Hyde Hall textile collection. This collection is unparalleled in its surviving early damasks, trims, tassels and ornamental drapery hardware.

    Forum participants will also have the opportunity to examine the hand textile tools located in the storage facility of the Farmer’s Museum in Cooperstown, NY.

    Please encourage others to share their research with us.

    Please join us for our Holiday Open House!

    Friday, December 6, Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8
    From 9am to 5pm each day

    Watch our antique looms run!
    Listen to the noise and watch those gears!
    Enjoy some holiday cheer!

    2019 Hands-On Textile Forum Lead Us to Some Interesting Places

    This year’s Forum was a hands-on, up close and personal look at textile technology in transition. The group followed the changes in hand and powered technology as it brought factory spinning and weaving in competition with hand process.

    We took a closer look at the ingrain carpet patent head and the hand jacquard head to begin the conversation about carpet and coverlet weavers of the 19th century. And from this we have forged ahead with plans for 2020.

    When I began the Textile History Forum in 1998, I did it with the hope that we could present both academic papers and spend time in historic collections to examine textiles and textile tools. 2020 will give us that opportunity and more.

    Hyde Hall, a Regency great house located inside Glimmerglass State Park, Springfield NY, will be our home base.

    The vast collection of coverlets and textile tools including spinning wheels, looms, reeds, and small tools at the storage facility of the Farmers’ Museum in Cooperstown will be our laboratory.

    Pre-Forum visits may include Thistle Hill Weavers production mill, a workshop on dating and identifying textiles and a visit to the New York State Museum storage facility in Rotterdam, NY.

    Panel discussions are being planned for the Forum: what should we do with our private collections? Primary research methods for non-academics, and cataloguing personal collections will be among the sessions.

    We are now seeking papers for publication in the 2020 Proceedings on all topics of research relating to textiles, dyes, tools, and process.

    Mark your calendars, get your thinking caps on, submit your proposals and join us for a Textile History Forum 2020, to be held on July 31 – August 2, 2020. Contact us for more information and registration.

    Textile History Forum 2019 – Final Schedule

    Marshfield School of Weaving and Kate Smith’s Eaton Hill Textile Works

    Saturday, July 27 – Sunday, July 28

    The Mechanization and Powering of Textile Production 1700 to 1860.

    This July, explore transitional textile technology with us.

    How did innovation create tools, and machines that allowed for the powered production of textiles that ultimately changed the way we wear and use cloth? The forum will be both discussion and hands-on demonstration of some of those processes and equipment that changed fiber preparation, weaving and cloth finishing.

    Unlike other forums, this will be an intensive two days in which participants will learn and discuss some of the technology that allowed the development of ingrain carpet production, coverlet production, the production of napped and sheared cloth, the cheap production of cotton fabrics for the poorer classes and the interplay in rural America between the fancy weaver, the clothier and the local production of fiber. Some equipment will be set up for hands-on opportunities for participants.

    The registration fee of $225 includes all sessions and lunch on both days, as well as the optional visit to the Vermont Historical Society on Friday afternoon. If you have already registered but want to join the Friday Tour, please Contact us to confirm.

    Saturday morning session

    • A textile technology timeline
    • Understanding how bottlenecks in technology lead to innovation
    • Changes from hand to mechanical and water power in fiber processing and spinning create an opening for powered weaving technology

    Saturday afternoon session one:

    • Carding technology
    • Multiple spinning devices: the vertical spinner
    • The slubbing billy, the jenny, the jack and the mule
    • Patented spinning wheels, the pendulum wheel and other late innovations

    Saturday afternoon session two:

    • Looking at cloth, what can we tell?
    • How do we tell hand spun yarns in common cloths?
    • Machine spinning or home plying – can we tell?
    • Powered spinning technology and early spinning mills

    Sunday morning session

    • The mechanical draw loom and hand loom patterning devices
    • Kleenex and tissue: the ingrain carpet head and the jacquard head
    • Patented hand patterning devices

    Sunday afternoon session one:

    • The relationship between the fancy rural weaver and the home weaver
    • Reading and understanding fancy weavers advertisements as related to home spinning production

    Sunday afternoon session two:

    • Can we tell, by looking at how something was woven, what mechanical device was used?
    • Ingrain carpet and coverlets – the ultimate connection

    Upcoming Events: The Textile Forum and a Coverlet Symposium

    The Textile History Forum dates are set for 2019!

    Put it in your calendar: Friday, July 26, Saturday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28 at The Marshfield School of Weaving and Eaton Hill Studio, Marshfield, Vermont.

    This year’s Forum is a hands-on exploration of transitional technology from hand to mechanical power. Spinning, weaving and finishing technologies will all be included.

    Presenters Wanted: We are looking for presenters who have done research and have skills with traditional tools and process and would like to share their knowledge with others.

    We have acquired a few rare pieces of early technology to share including an 18th century “Slubby Billy.”

    Sessions will be small hands-on workshops. Its a chance to dig deep into textile process with traditional tools. We learn so much when we can actually try different methods and process to form a better understanding of the methods used in the past.

    Coverlet Symposium

    We are thinking of holding another Coverlet Symposium here at Thistle Hill Weavers and Hyde Hall in late May or early June, but first I would like to find out if there is interest again in exploring historic coverlets.

    The symposium would allow us to view our collection and an opportunity to examine any coverlets in your collection.

    The possibility of adding to the data base on coverlets would be an additional goal but mostly I would like to get together with folks who want to learn more about coverlet structures, makers, and their place in material culture of rural America. Do contact me if you are interested in the Symposium. Your responses will inform us whether to move ahead or not…..

    Winter Weaving Classes

    Weaving Fabric for Clothing

    Saturday, February 2 – Sunday, February 3

    Students will explore the process of choosing yarns, densities and weave structures that are suitable for weaving fabric for fine garments. Each student will choose yarns and patterns to create a series of samples during the workshop. The samples will allow students to choose a pattern, color way, and sett for their clothing fabric and create a plan based on their woven samples that will allow them to weave garment fabric at home.

    This workshop is designed for students who have some weaving experience and want to explore making fabric for clothing.

    Class cost is $150.00 per student. Class is limited to 5 students. All materials and lunches are included in the fee.

    Introduction to Pattern Hand Weaving for Beginners

    Friday, March 8 – Sunday March 10

    Weave a luxurious lightweight scarf in silk, bamboo, and alpaca – no experience necessary! This is a beginning weaving class that will teach you from start to finish how to set up a warp, wind, beam, thread, sley, weave and finish a beautiful scarf of your own.

    The class is limited to 5 students. Class hours are Friday at 1pm-4:30pm, Saturday 9am-4:30pm and Sunday 9am-4:30pm. Cost is $225.00 with all materials, equipment and lunches included.