About Thistle Hill Weavers

At Thistle Hill Weavers, our ability to produce short runs of entirely custom fabric, carpet and trims sets us apart from other textile manufacturers. Our fast turn-around time and meticulous attention to detail have earned us a world-wide reputation for quality and reliability. Mill owner Rabbit Goody’s extensive knowledge of fiber and patterns and design expertise, as well as our talented and dedicated staff, ensure that we can weave luxurious custom fabrics to meet your needs.

 Some of our looms.

Some of our looms.

One of our warpers.

One of our warpers.

Emma and Holly, our Summer 2015 interns

Emma and Holly, our Summer 2015 interns

John is both a weaver and loom fixer at Thistle Hill Weavers. Here he is weaving on the Beekman 1802 version of the Lincoln shawls. The big S6 was built by Crompton and Knowles. We brought it up from South Boston, Virginia out of the Halifax Damask Mill.

John is both a weaver and loom fixer at Thistle Hill Weavers. Here he is weaving on the Beekman 1802 version of the Lincoln shawls. The big S6 was built by Crompton and Knowles. We brought it up from South Boston, Virginia out of the Halifax Damask Mill.